
Upstand & your Wellbeing
I wanted to touch base with all the Upstand users out there doing their best for their wellbeing but find it hard to get motivated or find time, or...
Upstand & your Wellbeing
I wanted to touch base with all the Upstand users out there doing their best for their wellbeing but find it hard to get motivated or find time, or...

Sketch Book Entry #2
Messing around with Upstands brand identity again during the early years. I enjoyed the process of discovering our brand through tiny post card size sketches. It got me to where...
Sketch Book Entry #2
Messing around with Upstands brand identity again during the early years. I enjoyed the process of discovering our brand through tiny post card size sketches. It got me to where...

Life of a Plastic Bottle
A short 2 1/2 minute video on the life cycle of plastic, and in this instance, a plastic bottle. Thanks to
Life of a Plastic Bottle
A short 2 1/2 minute video on the life cycle of plastic, and in this instance, a plastic bottle. Thanks to

Sketch Book Entry #1
I still love messing around with logos. These sketches of Upstand logos were done in England, Schrewsbury 21 December 2017. I had launched the business about 18 months later and...
Sketch Book Entry #1
I still love messing around with logos. These sketches of Upstand logos were done in England, Schrewsbury 21 December 2017. I had launched the business about 18 months later and...

Rest & Recuperation = Inspiration
I love being in the Australian Snowy Mountains for a week long family adventure. Its our time to rest and recoup and spend time doing the things we love to...
Rest & Recuperation = Inspiration
I love being in the Australian Snowy Mountains for a week long family adventure. Its our time to rest and recoup and spend time doing the things we love to...

Upstand... here to serve!
...How can we serve others by contributing to a cause bigger than ourselves?
Upstand... here to serve!
...How can we serve others by contributing to a cause bigger than ourselves?