Hi everyone,
Today is an important day in Australia, as we focus and encourage people to ask the question, 'R U OK'? The R U Ok campaign's vision is to have a world where we're all connected and are protected from suicide. This years focus, is on the fact that this question shouldn't be a 'one off' question.. and then forgotten about for the rest of the year. It should be an ongoing conversation, a regular checking in with people.
Upstand wanted to highlight this important day as we feel this year has brought such emotional challenges to so many people around the globe. We also want to keep highlighting the fact that we are all about 'wellbeing' and this totally includes mental health as a part of the whole body / mind and spirit.
A lot of our customers and people that respond to our social media posts, are in the younger generations.. and this week has been a challenging week on the social media front, particularly for the younger Z Gen or Millennial Y Generations. Social media can be such an amazing way of spreading the word, of sharing fun and interesting things that happen to us... but obviously it's also a place that can be used by people with different intentions.
We want to help spread the word, that it's ok to speak up, to ask for help, to say to someone you trust that you're not doing ok. Also, we want to encourage everyone who reads this post to think about who might not be doing ok in your particular circle, and perhaps have the courage to ask them, "R U Ok"? Help them know they're not alone, they're not a burden, they have the support they need if and when they need it. The R U Ok website is a fantastic resource for all, as it really encompasses all walks of life. They have support links available, video's, and amazing information to help support raising awareness.
If you have been struggling with anything, then we just want to encourage you to talk to someone about it.. whether it is a trusted friend or family member, or someone else such as your GP or counsellor. Here are some options if you're a bit stuck:
Australian National 24/7 crisis support services
Lifeline Australia
Phone 13 11 14 or Crisis Support Chat
Suicide Call Back Service
Phone 1300 659 467 or online counselling
Kids Helpline
Phone 1800 551 800 or WebChat counselling
Mens Line Australia
Phone 1300 789 978 or online counselling
Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling
Phone 1800 011 046 or visit their website
Qlife – LGBTI peer support and referral
Phone 1800 184 527 or webchat 3pm to midnight daily
Take extra care of yourself today, and don't forget to keep asking R U Ok each and every day!
Emma, at Upstand.